Saturday, August 27, 2016

Fun With Cousins

The kids were so excited for Matthew and Emily to come visit.  They knew around when they were coming but wanted to be surprised so they didn't know the exact day.  They didn't get in until after midnight so the surprise happened in the morning...I slept through it but Andrew ran into my room very happy :). The first few pictures are pre cousin visit.

We camped out in the backyard one night. Ethan took the marshmallow roasting very seriously.

My friend Niki worked with Andrew, Hannah, and Luca to plan, shop for, and make a meal for our families to share.  They loved it!

They decided on "breakfast for dinner" and made crepes, bacon, and fruit salad. It was delicious!

I decided that summer is actually a good time for visitors to come visit us. is very hot and humid but as long as you like the water there is lots to do. My kids have all fallen in love with water slides.

Pizookie...too bad the kids weren't excited about it :).  If you've never tried it, you must. Normally we use chocolate chip cookie dough but we didn't have chocolate chips so we put chocolate sauce on top instead. When it is still a little gooey you take it out and pile the warm cookie with ice cream then dig in.

City Museum

Emily is showing the crawdads she caught at the river

It is so hot during the day so we like to play outside in the evening. It doesn't cool down a lot but feels better without the sun on you.

Picking peaches and blackberries


Hannah, Emily and I took a trip to the butterfly house

He wasn't feeling well so the girls were taking really good care of him.

Johnson's Shut-ins

It is a hard place to explain but seriously awesome

Our friends invited us to go with them to take care of the farm of another friend who was out of town. The girls got to collect fresh chicken eggs.

They also helped take care of the ponies

...and held the chicks

The boys came too but weren't interested in the farm work

They did all love playing in the pool afterwards though

My friend Jill and her cute baby

posing for pictures before saying goodbye

We had so much fun!! It was sad to say goodbye.

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