Thursday, September 1, 2016

Back to School and End of Summer Fun

Crazy...that's all I have to say about this. 
I was worried about how being gone all day at Kindergarten would go for him but he is doing great! He comes home tired but enjoys school so its a win.

Eliza misses them during the do I!

Hannah and her friend Gabby. Hannah is always coming up with fun things to do with her friends and siblings. It makes for a lot of happiness and a lot of messes.
This boy is awesome. He has really stepped it up in the big brother category lately. I can't believe he is almost 10!

My sweet boy. He makes sure to remember me in his prayers that I don't miss them too much at school, because he knows it is hard on me. :) He told me he prayed for me while he was at school that I would feel his heart and he would feel mine. That melted my heart!
Andrew and Hannah are so good at looking out for Ethan to and from school.  It is not all the time sibling love around here, but lately its been better and I think feeling responsible for each other at school helps.
And then there was one...
Making first day cookies for after school

Waiting for the bus...for over an hour on a very hot and humid day

Andrew and Hannah are also doing well at school. We have been so blessed with good teachers.

She is an expert egg cracker
I had a little meltdown when I had to move Ethan's toys (in order to be able to shut the door). He spent so many hours with these toys every day and now he will be spending all day at school...his childhood as we knew it is over :(.  I know...a little dramatic.

Daniel is training for a marathon and doing awesome!

I love spending my days with this little one. We enjoyed a tea party together.

Yes, she fell fast asleep while mowing the lawn

Hannah is really good with little kids

Seahawks game in Kansas City
I have had so much fun converting the basement to my preschool classroom. We are doing a co-op with a few friends and it's been a lot of fun.

I've been having too much fun with this- now I need to catch up on all the rest of the housework.

A happy dance :)

Her brothers and sister were so excited for her and she was eager to show them all she'd done.
When these two aren't attacking each other they can be sweet.

Fugitive fun!

Andrew and Hannah loved the slide

Ethan is crazy in the water now.  He does flips off the diving board and one day just took of his floatees and started swimming.

Andrew jumping off the 20 ft cliff. Hannah jumped off the 15 ft one. I didn't jump off either one.

Everyone 10 and under was required to wear a life jacket, but after a few days in the pool before coming here they became so much more comfortable swimming.

Eliza loves hanging out with the Fassmans

Feeding the stingrays during a birthday party at the zoo
Hannah bought this giant teddy for $2 at a garage sale and it is her pillow every night.

From now on I think my posts are going to be very Eliza heavy. She is fun, funny, sweet, crazy, smart, and doesn't like being told no :).

Can we just freeze time?

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