Wednesday, June 1, 2016

The Rest of Camp

They went on a treasure hunt
Here is the treasure...books and gummy worms. These boys are showing the books they picked.

Flying giant paper airplanes off the porch was lots of fun.

Catching the giant paper airplanes that were flown off the porch was also lots of fun :).

We were so blessed to have Sister Fryhoff come teach a dance class.  She was wonderful and the kids loved it! 

The indoor toys were a hit when they wanted a break from being outside.

Andrew and Luca did relay races that involved riding the dump truck down the grass hill. Andrew is modeling how it was done because I missed taking pictures of the event.

Making bouquets to sell at the bake sale.

I wish I got better pictures of the bake sale.  We had lots of help and it was very successful...we were so grateful!

Playing with playdough on the rainy day.

I wish I had gotten a picture of them all wearing their shirts, but here is Ethan looking happy in his.

We had so much fun doing camp!  I'm sooo grateful for Niki and her family for partnering with us to pull this off.  I definitely couldn't have done it alone and it was so much more fun doing it together.

A little rain didn't stop them.

Geo trax on the rainy day was very popular.

This isn't everybody, but it was most of the group that was here on the final day.

Eliza is never happier than when she is holding a baby.  In this case...a toddler who was being very calm and nice to let Eliza hold him.

I loved watching the big kids play hedbanz on the rainy day.

We gave the kids beads throughout camp for doing activities or cleaning up.  At the end they could use them to make bracelets or necklaces.

We had so much fun doing camp! We raised about $1300 to help refugees.  We are only $200 short of our goal and we would still like to make it!  If you want to donate go here.  We gave people the option to have us send their money to our church's humanitarian aid or to RefugePoint. The portion given to RefugePoint was done online but we allowed our children to turn in the money to humanitarian aid so they could feel the joy of giving the money that they had worked hard to earn.

Andrew was inspired by his ability to make money and wants to start his own little camp/babysitting business. He really enjoyed working with the kids!  He is only 10 (almost) so he can't do it alone, but with my supervision he more than able.  He worked really hard to figure out the details and type up a flier :).  If anyone wants a fun and supervised babysitter, let us know.

We were asked many times if we were doing camp again...we'll see! Maybe a parents night out version. We could play night games and have a movie party...lots of options to think about! For now we are just grateful that we received so much help and were able to watch all of the kids who came make friendships and have fun.

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