Friday, September 27, 2019

Summer in Seattle 2019

We're in Seattle- yay! 

Fun with the Fassmans

A meet up with friends at the park- this group was going on a hike, most of the boys stayed back at the playground to play catch in the field or play on the equipment

Some of the cousins
I loved having an evening to hang out with friends

...and Hannah loved Corie's puppy!

 The boys first time meeting baby Simone

We loved staying with Grandma (who just had her knee replaced!)

trying to find blackberries...of course

The boys had a fun day out together at a trampoline place

my favorite park- karkeek

We're so grateful to Uncle Chris and Aunt Erika for taking us climbing

...and all the kids loved meeting cousin Addy!

Ethan and Daniel playing catch at Daniel's 20 year high school reunion

yummy crab- thanks Brian and Emily for catching it!

We're so grateful to Brian and Jen for hosting cousin camp at their beautiful house on Camano.

Hannah loved flying Brian's drone

These 2 had a lot of fun together 

A cool memory that I don't have a picture of is seeing (and hearing the chanting) of all the tribal canoes going by

A dozen cousins!

A bunch of these pictures are stolen from other people- this is one Jen took and I love that they're holding hands and it looks like Simone is kissing Addison's cheek or telling her a secret :).

A friendly game of soccer- kids vs adults- the kids won again

archery with grandpa during the cousing camp games

Can you tell they like babies?

Aunt Pixie preparing the delicious shrimp she caught

This giant bug is the only picture I got to remind me of the night the older kids stayed up to talk around the fire. They sat out there laughing and having such a good time together...until this huge bug caused some chaos and broke up the party.

The picures got a little out of order- Hannah was so excited to spend some time painting ceramics with GG.

Ethan loves documenting things and wanted a picture with the tooth he lost :).

Hannah helping with the crab


Andrew and the babies 

treasure hunt with uncle brian

It was a wonderful trip. Thanks family, we love you and miss you!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like an amazing trip. I'm glad that we got to hang out with you a bit!
