“This is a Football”
Football / Life (gospel of Christ/truth)
“The ball” What is our focus?
The football / Faith (our faith is in the gospel of Christ, our opponents is in money, pleasure, and their worldly place/climbing “ladders”/pride)
What is the goal?
Beat opponent to gain the win in the game / Beat opponent to gain eternal reward (us- eternal life and salvation, them worldly success)
How do we beat the opponent?
Bring football into endzone for points, try to get the most points / Use faith to bring yourself and others closer to end goal (heaven), receive reward (blessings from heaven, salvation)
How does it work?
Try to move forward with the ball. If you get far enough (10 yards) you get more chances (downs). If you don’t get far enough in 4 tries, or the other team gets the ball, then try to stop them from moving forward and try to get the ball back. If you get the ball to the endzone, the other team will then have the ball. The team works together in different roles to execute plays. / Try to focus on your faith to take steps on the path toward your end goal (heaven). If you make mistakes, keep trying-you can start over (repentance). If you get lost, and end up closer to the opponent, try to find your way back. As you make progress and get closer to the end goal, you’ll receive strength and blessings but then will be given new things to work on. Everyone can play different roles to help each other towards success.
What is the strategy?
Keep your focus on the ball- this is what the game is created around, execute your plays, and don’t be tricked by opponents / Keep your focus and faith (...on Christ- our salvation is the reason He was sent to earth. As we follow Him, he will help us through our mistakes because of His love and His atonement which allows Him perfect understanding and compassion. He provides the perfect example. If we keep our focus we can avoid deception.)
How do we get additional chances?
Get a first down / Move through mistakes (repentance, sacrament)
Who is the head of the team?
Coach(es) / God(head)
Who are we fighting against?
Opponent / Adversary
What is our symbol?
Team mascot / light, the most powerful thing in the universe
How do you represent the team?
Wear the team jersey, team colors, same as coach / “wear” the attributes of the coach, take the team name and image (Christ) by keeping the “laws” (commandments)
Why does it matter if you represent the team you’re on?
Your team quickly knows you belong with them and can use you in the game, it helps with recruiting if people know what you represent / the coach and team can use you to help and you can receive the attached blessings, it helps to find others who will join the team if people know what you represent
What is the protective gear?
Physical protection / protection from opponent (spiritual protection, armor of God)
Who monitors the game fairly?
The referee / The Holy Ghost or light of Christ, who shines a perfect light on truth
14. How do we get info about the game?From the ref personally (whistle and flag), from info the ref passes on (time clock, score card, and markers) / From revelation (personal and through the priesthood line)
How do we know what to do?
Playbooks, rules, coach / Scriptures, commandments, and covenants
Who leads on the field and gives info from the coach?
The quarterback, backup quarterbacks / the leader (the prophet, we sometimes act using his keys in leadership roles)
Who talks about what’s happening- informs and entertains?
The announcer / The media
Who helps the players?
Water getter, ball getter, trainer, assistant coaches / Family
Where is a good place to learn and rest but could also be a place to waste time for those not ready or able?
Sidelines and huddles / Home
What if you need help during the game?
Time-out / Prayer
When can you rest and refresh and connect with the coach?
Halftime / Sunday (keep the sabbath)
Where do we learn skills from the coach to help us to succeed in the game?
At practice / Training (church, home church)
How do we get stronger?
Through weights and conditioning and game play / putting in work and experience (priesthood and ordinances and keeping covenants), through the trials of life
When is special help needed?
Special teams for kickoff and punting to get the ball in the place that will help you / Sometimes help is needed from a bishop or others to get on track and help with humility and taking control of your environment
Where do we get extra power?
Go to the gym / (go to the temple)
How do you get extra blessings?
Field goals, extra points / (temple work)
Who are the spectators?
Family, friends, and fans in the crowd / angels cheering you on, ancestors
How can you receive better?
Gloves / Motivating music
How can you do well?
Work and talent / Effort and grace
Why is it worth it?
Love of the game / Love and growth
Who will be on the winning team? God’s team will win and He is inviting all to be on His team and wear His jersey, but you have to choose.
This is Jesus, the Son of God. If you follow Him, stay focused on Him, and have faith in Him, you will not fail.
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