Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Ocean Shores and Family Update

We had a great camping trip at Ocean Shores. Since then we have been super busy but I'll give a quick update on everyone.

Mr A: Was very excited for his t-ball camp that he is doing right now. He is having fun and doing great. He is a big help for me with his little brother and sister. I am so excited that I have one more year with him before he starts Kindergarten.

Miss H: She loves her babies, books, swinging, and her family. Other people wouldn't know it because she doesn't talk too much around other people and she's probably a little hard for them to understand, but she is a great talker. She usually talks in complete sentences and has a good vocabulary.

Baby E: Has the cutest smile and giggle. He is very ticklish. He just started using the exersaucer and loves it. He has strong legs and tries to scooch forward but his arms don't move as fast as his legs :). We all love him to pieces.

Daniel: He just sold the old barracuda he has had since before we were married and we also sold our acura. We were planning on just having one car but his brother moved to phoenix and we inherited (for a small price) his geo metro which he uses to drive to the bus. He works hard and is the best dad and husband ever.

Jill: I've been working on getting the house organized. I've tried to get rid of a bunch of stuff because we had too much and there wasn't room for it. I've also been enjoying making my own bread (my wheat grinder is in the mail so I will even grind my own wheat) and cooking with food from our garden which is doing great this year. I love spending time with my family.

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