Thursday, May 5, 2016


We are enjoying spring around here.  The kids only have 9 days of school left so "summer" will be here before we know it.  Crazy!

There are a lot of birds around here.  I had the rare opportunity of getting a picture of this one up close :).

building a temple during general conference...even the beautiful temple grounds were represented

The Japanese garden at the botanical gardens is one of my favorite places ever.

These flowers smelled so good!

Hannah started piano lessons and she loves it.  Sarah does a great job.  Andrew will start soon also.

Andrew's favorite activity is jumping off the deck onto the trampoline (when it is pushed up against the deck)

I walked into the playroom and saw this cute lesson that Hannah set up to do with Ethan and Eliza

Cleaning up streams

Andrew loves playing flag football

Eliza loves her daddy

poor Andrew was sick with strep throat

Grandpa came to visit!

We had a family birthday celebration which everyone was very excited about.

We found a nest with an egg (that had a hole in it) which held a baby goose that hadn't survived. Grandpa and Ethan were trying to figure out what was in the egg (we knew it wasn't alive but we were curious what it was).

(we caught a butterfly)
Andrew came along and started writing the captions for me.  I am leaving the captions he wrote in parenthesis.

(we went to grants farm)

(Andrew and grandpa are playing ping pong)

(hi my name is Hannah)

(we had a outdoor dinner with grandpa)
We haven't had Grandpa's roast in a couple of years so this was quite the treat

(Hannah and grandpa are playing forbidden desert)

Cute matching sisters

(we went to batanacle gardens)

It was so nice having my dad visit!

My wonderful husband

(grandpa is reading books to the kids)

Creepy green sky during a storm

Eating s'mores at Andrew's scout activity

(Ethan and layla are playing together)

Hanging out with my friend Niki and her family on a beautiful night.  The picture of me is kind-of scary...

(we found a frog)
...actually Ethan found and caught a frog, but everyone enjoyed it

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