Sunday, September 30, 2018

Cousin Camp and Road Trip Home

Cousin Camp 2018- camping at Ensign Ranch

Playing telephone...Emily planned lots of fun activities and even prizes. We were so grateful for her help!

It was a successful trip- my kids were so sad to say goodbye! We started our journey home which was full of fun adventures so it was nice to have somethings to look forward to to help ease the pain of leaving.

We stayed at airbnbs on our way home and the first night was at a fun cabin in the woods.

We made chocolate chip cookies in an old-fashioned oven.

Missouri headwaters state park

The drive was so beautiful! Especially the first few days. If anyone wants to drive out to visit us you should, its an awesome road trip.

Another cabin for our second night

watching american ninja warrior...or some show like that

Devil's tower was awesome

Ethan leapt from rock to rock and it kind-of freaked me out

She is still a little nervous about climbing

I think the badlands was my very was super cool.  There was a thunderstorm in the distance which even added to the coolness.

Do you see three kids on three different peaks? They loved climbing around.

A herd of mountain goats!

Not the best picture but the point was to see the cornfield in the background.  We stayed at a cool farm airbnb.

Our final day before getting to Kansas City we spent visiting a lot of church history sites and had fun learning about the pioneers and some of our ancestors.

This guy happened to be Daniel's third cousin or something like that. I forget why they looked it up but I think he said a last name that Daniel recognized and they put their names in family search to see if they were related...and they were! 

touching the temple

Daniel's grandparents old farm was nearby where we were driving through so while the kids and I played at the park he went and saw an old neighbor who had restored Daniel's great grandpa's old truck.  It was really cool.

This kid is getting too big!

cute siblings at Adam-ondi-ahman

We didn't get to Far West until dark but I'm glad we went!

We had an amazing trip! We stayed in Kansas City that night and then drove home the next day.

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