Friday, May 3, 2019

Spring, Visitors, and Easter

Just a little walk around the neighborhood with the neighbors

Hannah has been figuring out how to sew

She made a purse!

Happy 8th Birthday Ethan! We are so grateful for the wonderful boy he is.

Instead of cake he requested crepes :)

Grandpa came to visit!

Hannah loves doing art.

Ethan is into pocket knives and is excited that now that he is 8 he is allowed to have them. Grandpa was showing him some things to do with a pocket knife and a stick :).

We went to the wild bird sanctuary one day and saw some really cool birds.

Ethan is working on making a book.

He loves playing basketball.

Hannah planted a tree in the garden

I'm so proud of Ethan for making the decision to be baptized! He was very excited!!

Grandpa taught the girls how to make Aunt Lyn's famous and delicious rolls.

We're so grateful that Grandpa was able to come for Ethan's special day.

The kids had the day off school on a preschool day so we took a field trip to the park that day. Eliza is a good helper with the little ones. The families came also so there are some younger siblings in this picture.

General Conference time- My favorite!!

building legos while listening to conference

Spring is finally starting to come.

Andrew's first priesthood session of general conference

We were so excited that our friends the Johnsons came to visit us for their spring break. The first day they were here we had fun listening to general conference together.

Afterwards we drove to the temple.
It was so fun spending time with Paige!

We also went to the arch. It was so beautiful with the sunset reflecting off it. There was also a storm coming in so the sky was really cool looking. 

One of the days they were here we pulled the younger 3 out of school and went to the zoo.

Little cubs asleep in their den

My kids loved playing with their kids! The older ones remembered each other well but the younger ones were pretty young when we moved so they didn't really remember each other.

Hannah has been into photography and has had fun taking pictures with an old digital camera.
Come back and visit us again Johnsons!

Daniel ran a half marathon in Kansas City so we joined him for the family run. We had fun even though it was really early in the morning. Andrew got first place in the family run!

Daniel did great too!

love it

I love Easter! We spend the week focused on our Savior and all he did for us, but we also have fun with Easter eggs.

Purina Farms

Ethan was so excited to get scriptures with his name on them.

I don't have a climbing tree in my yard like I wanted, but our neighbors have one :).

Eliza playing with eggs during one of our Easter week discussions.

I love spending time this week looking at beautiful art. I'm so grateful for my Savior!

It was a beautiful morning for an egg hunt. I love egg hunts!

I meant to take nice pictures of him before his baptism but it didn't happen until after.

I love these kiddos!...and their daddy :).

A cub scout

I went on a field trip to the zoo with Eliza.
The girls had a recital and had to memorize their pieces. They did great!

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