Saturday, July 13, 2019


Hannah loved to help plant the flowers for our friends birthday.

Andrew and Miranda at a swim meet...Hannah is doing swim team again this year also.

The girls and I got to go to Las Vegas to meet cute baby Simone and spend time with the Lees. Yay!

Playing with puppies at the pet store

While we were gone Andrew was also gone at scout camp all week so these two had a staycation and did lots of fun stuff together including this trip to the Science Center that they sent me.

Meanwhile, back in Vegas...

Kelsy took Riah to a doctor appointment one day so these two had fun going around with the tools and fixing everything in the house that needed to be fixed. :)

Up in the mountains...Eliza was so scared to cross but after doing it with me once she was then brave enough to do it alone.

They had fun chasing their shoes down the stream.

Wild horses!

...that weren't very wild

Eliza was so into the Blues and was so excited when they won the stanley cup.

Happy Father's Day to a wonderful dad!

I loved the sunset

A day trip to the temple...I'm not sure where Andrew was this day but I'm guessing at the pool with friends because that is where he is practically every day...he has gotten way more than his moneys worth out of that season pass.

Ethan is pretty sensitive to the sun but forgot his sunglasses so hes wearing mine.

Hopper has gotten a couple of bad eye infections...the first time we didn't know what was going on and thought he might not be around for much longer so the kids wanted last pictures with him.

Ethan and friends at the park

These two are still great friends...they have been since they were 3 years old.


Happy Birthday to my sweet Hannah!

For her party they decorated cupcakes...

...and then went to the roller skating rink!

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