Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Spring Break

Milking a cow. Hannah has a book that has a bucket list of nature activities to do in each season and milking a cow was one of the activities that we can now cross off.

We went to the spring festival at purina farms 

Eliza didn't want to be close

Playing at the Shaw Nature Reserve

On our way to Florida.  It was an 11 1/2 hour drive without stops.  I think it took us 13 1/2 hours.  The kids were awesome! Besides one episode of car sickness I couldn't have asked for a better drive.  We listened to audio books...mostly Harry Potter, but we also listened to a secret garden radio theatre.


There are a ton of beach pictures.  We spent two days at the beach and then drove back home on the third day.  It was a lot of fun!

They had fun flying the kite...until it broke

Before we went to the beach I showed them pictures of jellyfish so they would know to stay away from them.  After seeing the pictures Ethan declared he was NOT going in the water.  This wasn't long after we got there and he was the first one in.  We didn't see any jellyfish so that was good.

Andrew played a lot of catch with Daniel with the football

I was there too.

The kids worked together on this for hours.

We went out at night to try to see the crabs.  We didn't see any but it was a lot of fun.  The water was pretty warm.

I let Hannah wear my jacket then I got cold so I put on Andrew's.


Kentucky. They still loved each other even after being in the car together all day.  Unfortunately the next few days after we got home proved they used up all the niceness on the trip.  It was great while it lasted!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh how fun! That's awesome that you can drive to Florida in one day. We're headed to the Oregon coast for spring break. You can read about it on my blog in about a year. ;)
